Service project for Doernbecher Children's Hospital

Doernbecher service project

By John Ng

Between February 26 and March 1st Baha'is celebrate Ayyam-i-Ha or intercalary days. Ayyam-i-Ha is a time for celebration and gift giving. Although service to others is a component of Baha'i Life all year round, Ayyam-i-Ha is also a special time to offer service.

This year, a family in SW Portland organized an Ayyam-i-Ha Party and invited their neighbors and kids' classmates and their families to participate. About 60 people attended the party, which was held at the U.S. Wushu Center in NW Portland. Activities included a Wushu (Traditional Chinese Kung Fu) class for children, junior youth and adults, as well as Tai Chi classes for junior youth and adults. There was free gym time with Hoppity Hops, shooting hoops and running around. All those burned up calories were replaced by a Pizza Fest and homemade 9-pointed star cookies.

The service portion of the celebration included the donations of toys and games for the Doernbecher Children's Hospital (DCH) at Oregon Health and Sciences University. Party guests were asked to bring a new toy or game appropriate for teenage patients. This group of patients are in most need of donations, as the hospital mainly gets donations for younger children and toddlers. The very full box of donations was recently delivered to the Child Life Representative, Susan Sherwood at Doernbecher. The patients and hospital staff were greatly appreciative of the donations.


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