“These Sanctified Mirrors” - The Baha'i View on the World's Major Religions
By Jim Harrison
There is a deep metaphysical logic underlying the Baha'i Faith. This is not to say that Baha'is don't recognize the ultimate Great Mystery of Life; however the Baha'i Faith stresses reason in all matters where reason can venture. For instance in the matter of science and religion we find this:
“There is no contradiction between true religion and science. When a religion is opposed to science it becomes mere superstition: that which is contrary to knowledge is ignorance. How can a man believe to be a fact that which science has proved to be impossible? If he believes in spite of his reason, it is rather ignorant superstition than faith...”
—'Abdu'l-Baha, Paris Talks, p. 141
Again though, Baha'is seek balance.
“Should a man try to fly with the wing of religion alone he would quickly fall into the quagmire of superstition, whilst on the other hand, with the wing of science alone he would also make no progress, but fall into the despairing slough of materialism.”
—Paris Talks, p. 143
This stress on rationality applies to the very foundation of Baha'i thought concerning Existence and God. Baha'is are strict monotheists. God is single and alone. God is One. God admits of no divisibility. Indeed in Baha'i ontology (that branch of metaphysics dealing with the nature of being) God is 'beyond' Existence. This meets our metaphysical logic: the Creator of All can in no way have a direct connection to that which It created. Indeed, how could it?
Therefore, the Reality of the Divinity is hidden from all comprehension, and concealed from the minds of all men. It is absolutely impossible to ascend to that plane. We see that everything which is lower is powerless to comprehend the reality of that which is higher. So the stone, the earth, the tree, however much they may evolve, cannot comprehend the reality of man and cannot imagine the powers of sight, of hearing, and of the other senses, although they are all alike created. Therefore, how can man, the created, understand the reality of the pure Essence of the Creator?
—'Abdu'l-Baha', Some Answered Questions, p. 147
So the created (including humanity) has no 'access' to, no direct connection to the Creator. Yet, we exist. We were brought into being. Why? From The Hidden Words we read these illuminating passages:
O SON OF MAN! I loved thy creation, hence I created thee. Wherefore, do thou love Me, that I may name thy name and fill thy soul with the spirit of life.
O SON OF MAN! Veiled in My immemorial being and in the ancient eternity of My essence, I knew My love for thee; therefore I created thee, have engraved on thee Mine image and revealed to thee My beauty.
O SON OF BEING! With the hands of power I made thee and with the fingers of strength I created thee; and within thee have I placed the essence of My light. Be thou content with it and seek naught else, for My work is perfect and My command is binding. Question it not, nor have a doubt thereof.
The gulf remains though. Love brought us into being and yet we have no immediate connection to God. This is where religion comes in. At the core of Baha'i belief is this: all of the world's major religions are revelations from God. This is not a mere token of liberal philosophy or political correctness. Rather it is a fundamental assertion of that metaphysical logic I spoke of earlier. We have this quote:
The door of the knowledge of the Ancient of Days being thus closed in the face of all beings, the Source of infinite grace... Hath caused those luminous Gems of Holiness to appear out of the realm of the spirit, in the noble form of the human temple, and be made manifest unto all men, that they may impart unto the world the mysteries of the unchangeable Being, and tell of the subtleties of His imperishable Essence. These sanctified Mirrors, these Day-springs of ancient glory are one and all the Exponents on earth of Him Who is the central Orb of the universe, its Essence and ultimate Purpose. From Him proceed their knowledge and power; from Him is derived their sovereignty. The beauty of their countenance is but a reflection of His image, and their revelation a sign of His deathless glory. They are the Treasuries of divine knowledge, and the Repositories of celestial wisdom. Through them is transmitted a grace that is infinite, and by them is revealed the light that can never fade.
—Baha'u'llah, from The Kitab-i-Iqan (The Book of Certitude) pp. 99-100
In the Baha’i view, all the major religions receive their impetus from God. All these Prophets and Messengers derive Their power, authority, and vision from the One God. Then how do we explain what seems to be serious differences between them? We read this:
These Manifestations of God have each a twofold station. One is the station of pure abstraction and essential unity. In this respect, if thou callest them all by one name, and dost ascribe to them the same attributes, thou hast not erred from the truth. Even as He hath revealed: "No distinction do We make between any of His Messengers." For they, one and all, summon the people of the earth to acknowledge the unity of God... The other station is the station of distinction, and pertaineth to the world of creation, and to the limitations thereof. In this respect, each Manifestation of God hath a distinct individuality, a definitely prescribed mission, a predestined revelation, and specially designated limitations. Each one of them is known by a different name, is characterized by a special attribute, fulfills a definite mission, and is entrusted with a particular Revelation. It is because of this difference in their station and mission that the words and utterances flowing from these Well Springs of Divine knowledge appear to diverge and differ.
—Baha'u'llah, from The Gleanings of the Writings of Baha'u'llah, pp. 50-53
So we see that each of these Messengers came at a specific time, to a specific region and a specific people. The social laws, the peculiarities of the times were addressed by these Manifestations with specific laws, ordinances and guidance. The next Manifestation very often changed some of these social laws. However, the spiritual laws were not changed. The established spiritual teachings were confirmed and new ones were added—since humanity had matured in the intervening time and could take on a deeper understanding of reality. Some Messengers had a larger mission, others, as Baha'u'llah explains, a more proscribed mission. It all depended on the exigencies of the times. So, to conclude... in our metaphysical logic we see that:
If we believe that God exists, and
If we believe that God is the Creator of all, and
If we believe God is the Source of all positive attributes (love, justice, mercy, kindness, grace, truthfulness, etc.),
Then, agreeing to all this, we must concede that God, the Creator of all, would not leave some of His children to themselves while showering His bounty on others.
Indeed no God that embodies these essential attributes would be capable of acting so capriciously.
Baha'is refer to this concept as progressive revelation. We believe that Baha'u'llah is the latest Manifestation of God—the Manifestation for this Day. He is the One foretold in the holy texts of all the world's major religions. One last note... Baha'is are forbidden from ever arguing over religious matters. The Manifestations called for love and acceptance to be shown to friend and stranger alike. Consequently Baha'is absolutely shun any discussion or discourse that spirals down to rancor and bitterness. Indeed, so strong is this injunction that we find this quote:
Bahá'u'lláh taught, that religion is the chief foundation of love and unity and the cause of oneness. If a religion become the cause of hatred and disharmony, it would be better that it should not exist. To be without such a religion is better than to be with it.
—Abdu'l-Baha, from Abdu'l-Baha in London, p. 28
If you have any questions about this topic feel free to contact us or search out Baha'i friends or neighbors who will be more than happy to discuss these teachings with you.