Portland North Neighborhood
Portland North map
This is one of a series of articles about what is happening in neighborhoods around the Portland Metro area. Contact us to find out what is happening in your neighborhood.
Valuing History and Diversity
“One of the reasons I love North Portland is for its diversity. When I moved here in 1996 it was touted as the most diverse Portland neighborhood by civil authorities and Roosevelt High School (only a block from my home) was the most diverse high school in the Portland school district. I do not know if that claim is accurate today but suspect it is still very close.”
“I share my home with a Baha'i friend of 40 years. She and her husband joined me in 1997 after many years of their eldest daughter and I trying to get them to move out from Montana to the west coast. George has since passed away, but after he'd been here a short time, he exclaimed that he loved St. Johns. It felt like a small town to him. He wanted to know why they hadn't moved here sooner. We just laughed because it had been him who had not wanted to move.”
Portland Center outside
“Another reason why I love North Portland is because this is where the Portland Baha'i Center is located. The Center is housed in the old St. Johns post office, an historic building constructed as part of the Public Works Projects during the Great Depression. In the entryway are two wall murals painted by John Ballator of Topeka, Kansas. We hold these murals in trust for the people of the United States who are the owners of the murals and have a legal responsibility to maintain them.”
~ Arlene
John Ballator's wall murals, in the entryway of the Portland Baha'i Center, depict the history and industrial development of the St. Johns area. These photos were taken by Barry Frankel.
Sunday devotions offer a chance to revitalize and reflect
Sunday Devotions - Portland Center
Baha'is gather at the Portland Baha'i Center every Sunday morning for a Devotional Gathering to read the prayers and Writings of Bahá'u'lláh (Founder of the Bahá’í Faith) and enjoy spirited fellowship together. The Center is open to all people of all faiths. We invite you to join us on Sundays.
Clean up crew gets down to business
Portland Center cleanup
"A group of Baha'is gathered to rake leaves and tidy up the grounds of the North Portland Baha'i center. We managed to get the foliage under control after about 3 solid hours of raking and bagging. The kids were a great help!"
~ Gita
Baha’is around the world are working with their neighbors to build spiritual neighborhoods, to strengthen these communities to take charge of their own spiritual, social and intellectual development. We invite everyone interested to help build a healthy rhythm of community life:
Building friendships
Getting together for devotional gatherings
Channeling the energy of the junior youth into positive action
Studying together to develop our individual and collective capacities
Applying principles in service to humanity
Contact us to learn more.