Martin Luther King Day Celebration
Taking Action for Social Justice:
"A Tough Mind and a Tender Heart!"
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
This year's Martin Luther King Day Celebration will feature:
Keynote speaker: Oregon State Senator Suzanne Bonamici
Beaverton Human Rights Advisory Commission's Human Rights Creative Expression Contest winners
"Everyday Hero" award presentation by the Inter-Religious Action Network:
Bob Leitner, Habitat for Humanity/Bethel United Church of Christ
Pat Wolter, Environmental Sustainability/Unity of Beaverton
Music by the Vose Elementary Chorus and the Southminster Presbyterian Choir
Media Presentation by Dennis Noack, Baha'i student at Beaverton Arts & Communication High School
Service Project: Please bring socks and full-size toiletries for Project Homeless Connect.
A reception will follow the program with refreshments, displays and an exhibit:
Human Rights Council of Washington County Poster Contest winners
"No Easy Road: Unlearning Discrimination in Oregon" Exhibit
For more information call 503-846-5792 or visit: by:
Inter-Religious Action Network of Washington County
Human Rights Council of Washington County
City of Beaverton Human Rights Advisory Commission
Portland Community College Rock Creek Campus