Portland SE Neighborhood
Portland SE neighborhood
This is one of a series of articles about what is happening in neighborhoods around the Portland Metro area. Contact us to find out what is happening in your neighborhood.
SE Portland is full of energy and enthusiasm
"I am most excited about the start of a monthly gathering for women hosted by Karla Rowe. Women of all faiths are invited to attend on the 3rd Sunday of the month at her home in SE Portland. It is an opportunity to connect with other women who are interested in growing closer to God and each other in our efforts to develop spiritual communities."
~ Sharon
"We are an enthusiastic bunch of folks."
~ Karen
Baha’is around the world are working with their neighbors to build spiritual neighborhoods, to strengthen these communities to take charge of their own spiritual, social and intellectual development. We invite everyone interested to help build a healthy rhythm of community life:
Building friendships
Getting together for devotional gatherings
Channeling the energy of the junior youth into positive action
Studying together to develop our individual and collective capacities
Applying principles in service to humanity
Contact us to learn more.