Free Baha'i E-books

bookcover Promulgation of Universal Peace, the talks given by ‘Abdu’l-Baha in the United States and Canada

The Baha'i Writings are the foundation of the Baha'i Faith. Through regular study and reflection, their inspiration, exaltation, and guidance become a positive force in our lives. We are strengthened in making choices which are beneficial to ourselves and others.

Baha'is believe that Baha'u'llah's writings are the Word of God, with spiritual power. He authenticated the texts, which have been carefully preserved. All are invited to read and determine for themselves the relevance of these Writings to their own lives. Study classes are a wonderful opportunity to discuss our ideas about the meanings of what we read, and how to put this guidance into action that helps our families and communities.

In addition to many print books, free Baha'i e-books are now available, which can be read on a computer or transferred to an e-reader.

Free Word and PDF formats are available for download at the Bahá’í Reference Library. Many public libraries have Baha'i books too.


So powerful is the light of unity...


Terry Spratt - "How I Became a Baha'i"