Wilsonville Baha’i Community News
Three friends enjoying the monthly gathering at Nine Star Ranch near Wilsonville.
The Wilsonville Bahá’í community was recently featured in an article written by Jake Bartman for The Wilsonville Spokesman. Mr. Bartman noted that when Bahá’ís choose administrators in their communities; there are no nominations or electioneering, in contrast to U.S. politics. There are no individuals who are "designated spiritual authorities" but there are locally-chosen members of Local Spiritual Assemblies.
After Mr. Bartman attended an area dialog gathering, also called a Bahá’í fireside, Terry and Jeanne Gillett of Wilsonville were interviewed for the article. They reviewed how they found and studied the Faith, and Terry said, “. . . I learned about the progression of revelation — how, from a Baha’i perspective, God — you could say sends messengers, or manifests beings, or they become his mouthpiece, or however you want to term it.”
Read the whole article here.