Learning about the Declaration of the Bab 2019
Martyrdom of the Báb Commemorations July 10.
Born in Shiraz, a city in southern Iran, on 20 October 1819, the Báb was the symbolic gate between past ages of prophecy and a new age of fulfilment for humanity. His primary purpose was to awaken the people to the fact that a new period in human history had begun, one which would witness the unification of the entire human race and the emergence of a world civilization of spiritual and material prosperity. This great day would be established through the influence of a divinely inspired Educator, whom the Báb referred to as “He Whom God shall make manifest.” It was His own mission, the Báb declared, to herald the coming of this promised Manifestation of God. The Báb explained that the new Manifestation would usher in an age of peace and justice that was the hope of every longing heart and the promise of every religion. The Báb instructed His followers to spread this message throughout the country and to prepare people for this long-awaited day.
read more at http://www.bahai.org/the-bab/life-the-bab
...the most dramatic, the most tragic event transpiring within the entire range of the first Bahá’í century" -the martrydom of the Báb--will be commemorated on July 10.
Religious and government leaders, unable to stop the growth of the new Bábí Faith, arranged the death by firing squad of the Prophet...the forces arrayed against the Báb represented the combined civil and ecclesiastical powers of Persia, which, from the moment of His declaration to the hour of His death, persisted, unitedly and by every means at their disposal, in conspiring against the upholders and in vilifying the tenets of His Revelation.
Shoghi Effendi, God Passes By Learn more.
Listen to a podcast episode about the night of the Bab's declaration on news.bahai.org. "The events of this night are the origins of the global Baha’i community’s endeavors for the betterment of the world. From community building activities, to projects of social action, to involvement in public discourse, those seeking to put into practice Baha’u’llah’s teachings find the origin of their efforts in that first conversation.
Celebrating the Bicentenary of the Birth of the Bab
This October marks the bicentenary of the Bab’s birth. In this year, the Baha’i World News Service is examining some of the most salient moments in the life of the Bab. The latest podcast episode focuses on the night of His declaration.
To watch the 50-minute film Light to the World, about the life of Bahá’u’lláh and the impact of His teachings on people around the world, go to http://www.bahai.org/light-to-the-world/
This dvd is in the Washington County public library system.