February Activities 2022
See more locally-hosted online activities! As venues are able to open for in-person activities, this website calendar will be updated. There are about 20 choices of food-for-the-soul devotions each week (morning, afternoon, or evening), as well as discussions. These are hosted by friends in a number of metro communities, so you can talk with neighbors online or in-person when possible. The spiritual foundation of devotions supports community-building actions. Everyone is warmly welcomed!
Watch "What are Devotional Gatherings"
We are entering the "Seasons of Spirituality: Ayyam-i-Ha, the Fast and Naw-Ruz" (New Year) Read more about the ending, and the beginning, of the Bahá’í year. "In this short span of 25 days, we are provided with numerous opportunities to exuberantly celebrate (and share with others) all the joys that life has to offer, while also contemplating the spiritual mysteries of our existence."
happy naw-ruz
Online Dialog: Bahá’í brief talks and stories, Thursday, Feb. 3, 10, 24, 7:00 – 8:30 pm. A different theme each time. Everyone welcome! For more information about the virtual meeting, please call 503 449-1518.
Online Devotions: Vancouver, every Sunday, 10:00 am. You are invited to our ongoing Devotional. We hope you can attend and we look forward to meeting with you then. For more information, please call our Vancouver Bahá’í information line at 971-248-5219. Sponsored by the Local Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Vancouver.
Online Interfaith Devotions: Portland, every Sunday, 10:15 am. We hope you will join us! For more information, please email bahaisundaydevotions@gmail.com. Sponsored by the Local Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Portland.
Online Multi-Faith Devotions: Gladstone, every Sunday, 11:00 am. All are welcome! Different theme each week. For the current meeting log-in or more information, please call Jack at 503-803-8796.
Online Devotions: Gresham, every Wednesday, 4:00 pm. Gresham friends invite everyone! For more information, please contact Beverly at @bjbass9@gmail.com or 503 847-1639. More information HERE.
Online Interfaith Devotions: Portland, every Wednesday, 5:30 pm. More information HERE.
Online Dialog: Gladstone, Friday, Feb. 25, 7:00 pm. Please consider joining us for some thoughtful conversation and fellowship. For more information, please call Jack and Leslie at 503 803-8796 or Mary at 503 995-8959.
Like us on Facebook: “Portland Metro Baha’i Community" (see our frequent posts about online resources and news!), “Baha’i Faith of Newberg Oregon” "Baha'is of Forest Grove" “Baha’i Center of Lake Oswego."
Nationally-hosted:Upcoming courses from The Wilmette Institute:
Creating Unity with Friendship and Laughter, Feb. 3-March 23: "You will be empowered through this course to lift your spirits and that of others through friendship, the arts and generous living. Come enjoy and learn how to deepen friendships, generate laughter, have fun together, extend hospitality, share humorous stories, take a lighter approach to challenges, and discover the joy of unity in diversity. Open to individuals, groups, couples, families, and communities. Participants will meet in weekly discussion groups--form your own or meet new people. Please invite your friends!"
Interfaith Dialogue and Collaboration, Feb. 10-March 30: "At a time when religious fanaticism and fundamentalism are spreading, and an ever-increasing number of people consider themselves “spiritual but not religious,” the need to engage in fruitful interfaith dialogue is pressing. The Bahá’í Faith is in a unique position to inspire and support interfaith endeavors because the Faith’s very scriptures contain the imperative to foster interfaith dialogue and names it as one of the prerequisites for world peace.
This course draws on Bahá’í principles as well as the work of interfaith scholars and organizations, journalists, religious leaders and agencies of various faith traditions, to explore how to successfully initiate and engage in interfaith dialogue with people of all spiritual persuasions. Theoretical and practical aspects of interfaith dialogue will be examined from many perspectives. The importance of public discourse on the role of religion in society today will be explored. We will share our insights and perspectives in order to broaden our understanding and increase our participation in and support of interfaith dialogue and service in our local and global communities."
Cultivating Transformative Leadership, Feb. 10-March 30: "What does “leadership” mean, once it’s been stripped of the mindset of domination? How do we go about transforming ourselves and the groups, teams, and organizations in which we participate? Since its initial formulation 25 years ago, Transformative Leadership has been applied in education, health, youth programs, community development and in both nonprofit and for-profit organizations in five continents. The course questions existing mental models of human nature, society, and leadership that impede progress toward a just, united world community, proposing an explicit, principle-based framework that can bolster cooperative action in teams, organizations and communities. The course is open to all and is especially useful to those who are involved in social action or participating in the discourse of society."
The Great Spirit Speaks: Voices of the Wise Ones, Feb. 17-April 20: This course "introduces several of the founders of Indigenous spiritual traditions of the Americas, such as: (1) Deganawida, the Peacemaker (Haudenosaunee/Iroquois); (2) White Buffalo Calf Woman (Lakota); (3) Sweet Medicine (Cheyenne); (4) Lone Man (Mandan and Hidatsa); (5) Breathmaker (Seminole and Miccosukee); (6) Quetzalcoatl (Toltec); (7) Viracocha (Inca/Quechua); (8) Gluskap (Wabanaki); (9) Talking God (Navajo/Diné); (10) Bunjil (Australian Aboriginal Tradition).
In so doing, some pieces of the puzzle of “Progressive Revelation” are added in order to present a much fuller picture of the panoramic scope of the world’s religious history, considering that the Western Hemisphere comprises roughly half of the world’s land mass. From a Bahá’í perspective, the basis for recognizing and respecting these “Wise Ones” is to be found in ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s authoritative statement in the authorized translation of the Tablet to Amír Khán:
“Undoubtedly in those regions [the Americas] the Call of God must have been raised in ancient times ….”
See videos at bahai.org.For more information about the Bahá’í Faith, please visit https://www.bahai.us/
For Spanish-language resources, see https://www.bahaipanel.org/