August Activities 2024

Happy sunny days! This is an excellent time to join together with a positive and hopeful group of folks for fun, conversation, inspiration, and spiritual development. You are warmly invited to contact your nearby Bahá’í friends and make connections!

Selected activities: See more on the calendar, and see newly-added local community information. The Portland, Beaverton, and Vancouver Bahá'í Centers each host weekly in-person devotional gatherings on Sunday, and there are many virtual gatherings.

Online Multi-Faith Devotions: Gladstone

Every Sunday, 11 am-noon. You are cordially invited to share interfaith devotions, with a different theme each week. For more information, please call Jack at 503 803-8796.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 828 8811 0914
Passcode: 1863

Devotions: SE Portland

Wednesday, August 7, 6:30-8:00 pm. We will start with our interfaith devotional program, followed by a potluck dinner. Please let us know if you are joining us so that we can plan accordingly for the dinner.  For more information, please call the Moshtael-Hill family, 503-282-0783.

Online Devotions: Portland

Saturday, August 10, 10 am. Please join us for Saturday Devotions. For information, please call JoAnn 508-280-6472 or Jennifer 503-860-6197.

Online Dialog: Social Justice

Monday, August 12, 7:00-8:30 pm. Discussions about racism and social justice, held since 2016, have afforded many of us and our friends a place to educate ourselves, to speak openly about the challenges and to take personal and collective action. Everyone is welcome to this discussion of Bahá’í solutions relating to social justice issues. For more information, please call 971-328-0909 or email 

Devotions: Oregon City

Wednesday, August 14, 6:00 pm. Inspiration & Rejuvenation! We look forward to sharing together writings, quotations, music and whatever you wish to bring, as it inspires you. We begin each gathering with a potluck supper. Everyone welcome! For more information, please call Karen and Bob Lynch at 503-473-3144.

Introductory Dialog: Gladstone

Friday August 30, 6:30 pm. You are invited to Gladstone’s monthly discussion; please consider joining us for some thoughtful conversation and fellowship. For more information, call Jack and Leslie at 503 803-8796.

Peruse the national Bahá'í Bookstore (some items free, multiple languages).

Dive into the wealth of Bahá'í writings (free).

Take Online Courses from the Wilmette Institute.


Partners in Racial Justice Receives National Recognition from President Joe Biden


Soul Boom!