December Activities 2024

Dearest Reader, We sincerely hope you are enjoying the change of season in health and comfort. Even more important, we wish for everyone the great joy of the knowledge of the spiritual springtime of the earth which is now beginning.

The Bahá'í Writings have much to say about this time. For example:

“The Cause of Bahá'u'lláh is the same as the Cause of Christ. It is the same Temple and the same Foundation. Both of these are spiritual springtimes and seasons of the soul-refreshing awakening and the cause of the renovation of the life of mankind. The spring of this year is the same as the spring of last year. The origins and ends are the same. The sun of today is the sun of yesterday. In the coming of Christ, the divine teachings were given in accordance with the infancy of the human race. The teachings of Bahá'u'lláh have the same basic principles, but are according to the stage of the maturity of the world and the requirements of this illumined age.”

(Abdu'l-Bahá, Bahá'í World Faith - Abdu'l-Bahá Section, p. 400)

Contact your nearby Bahá’í friends, we’d love to talk!

Selected activities: See more on the calendar. The Portland, Beaverton, and Vancouver Bahá'í Centers each host weekly in-person devotional gatherings on Sunday, and there are many virtual gatherings. You are warmly invited to all the activities!

Devotions: SE Portland

Wednesday Dec. 4, 6:30-8:00 pm. We will start with our interfaith devotional program, followed by a potluck dinner. Please let us know if you are joining us so that we can plan accordingly for the dinner.  For more information, please call the Moshtael-Hill family, 503-282-0783.

Online Devotions: East side

Monday through Friday, 7:30-8:00 am. Please join a small group for soul-expanding prayers, sometimes including a long healing prayer.

Online Devotions: Oak Grove

Every Thursday, 9:30-10:00 am. Spiritual fortification for the week - come on in! For more information please call Mark at  503-560-3842. Passcode : 1212

Devotions: Oregon City

Wed. Dec. 11, 6:00-7:30 pm. Inspiration & Rejuvenation! We look forward to sharing together writings, quotations, music and whatever you wish to bring, as it inspires you. We begin each gathering with a potluck supper. Everyone welcome! For more information, please call Karen and Bob Lynch at 503-473-3144.

Online: Partners in Racial Justice

Friday, Dec. 13, 4:00 pm PST. Acquiring Inner Peace Today and Tomorrow. What role does peace within individuals play in making “peace on earth” a reality? Presenter Leilani Smith. Register here.

Youth Night: Beaverton Bahá’í Center

Saturday Dec. 14, 5-8 pm. 5355 SW Murray Blvd, Beaverton, OR 97005. Youth Night is monthly and geared for middle and high schoolers. Bring your friends! Youth Night Structure includes: service, devotions, reading articles chosen by attendees, dinner, art/theater/community-building games.

Please RSVP so we don’t waste money and food. Please reach out to Lua 503-504-4288 with questions, comments, or to RSVP. Free; as always at the Center there are no donations. Phone: 503-601-9999 Trimet bus route # 62, stop ID #4062

The Baha’i teachings say that youth can move the world—that young people have a very critical role to play in the development, peace and prosperity of humanity. Read more.

Devotions and Social: Vancouver Bahá’í Center

Saturday Dec. 14, 6-9:00 pm. 4016 E 13th St, Vancouver, WA 98661. Dear Friends! Please join us for an in-person devotional and potluck dinner. All are invited and we look forward to seeing you there! For more information, please call Mayumi at 360-936-3240.

Social: Vancouver Bahá’í Center

Friday Dec. 20, 6:00-9:00 pm. Dear Friends! Please join us for a potluck dinner and fun night. All are invited and we look forward to seeing you there! For more information, please call Mayumi at 360-936-3240.

Introductory Dialog: Gladstone

Friday Dec. 27, 6:30 pm. You are invited to Gladstone’s monthly discussion; please consider joining us for some thoughtful conversation and fellowship. For more information, call Jack and Leslie at 503 803-8796.

Find local, regional, and national resources.

Like us on Facebook: “Portland Metro Baha’i Community" “Portland Baha'i Center” “Beaverton Bahá'í Community” “Baha'is of Forest Grove” (hosting Spirit Night on Tuesday) “Baha’i Center Lake Oswego" “Baha’i Faith of Newberg Oregon” “Parenting with Wisdom”

Peruse the national Bahá'í Bookstore (some items free, multiple languages).

Dive into the wealth of Bahá'í writings (free).

Take Online Courses from the Wilmette Institute.


2024: Bahá’í World Year in Review


Baha’i Principles