Feb-March Activities 2024
It is time to celebrate! Ayyám-i-Há takes place this year from February 25th through the 29th.
“Ayyám-i-Há is a period of intercalary days in the Baháʼí calendar, when Baháʼís celebrate the Festival of Ayyám-i-Há. The four or five days of this period are inserted between the last two months of the calendar.” Find out more!
Ayyám-i-Há Celebration: Portland Baha'i Center
Sunday Feb. 25, 4:00-7:00 pm. Bahá’í Center, 8720 N Ivanhoe St, Portland, OR 97203. Dear Friends, Please bring your family and friends to join us for a celebration of Ayyám-i-Há. Activities start at 4 pm, dinner at 5 pm, and a program at 6 pm.
As a service project, household items will be collected for Community Warehouse. Collection bins will be in the foyer; all items must be clean and functional. See the calendar for more information on donations.
Social: Arts & Games: Portland
Friday March 1, 7:00-10:00 pm. Bahá’í Center, 8720 N Ivanhoe St, Portland, OR 97203. Come and share your family-friendly talent! Bring a song, a story, read a poem, do a dance, show us your artwork, bring a snack to share, a game to play, or just bring yourself and all your friends! Hang out with new friends and have fun! Children and junior youth get priority for performance in the first hour.
Please contact secretariatpdx@gmail.com for more information, or call the Center at 503-289-6331. Please arrive healthy; masking is optional.
Then, immediately after the intercalary days, the final 19-day month of the Baháʼí calendar is the month of fasting. This is a privilege for those in good health between age 15 and 70. A perfect time to participate in the many local devotional gatherings, both in-person and virtual.
“The Nineteen-Day Fast is a nineteen-day period of the year during which members of the Baháʼí Faith adhere to a sunrise-to-sunset fast. Along with obligatory prayer, it is one of the greatest obligations of a Baháʼí, and its chief purpose is spiritual: to reinvigorate the soul and bring the person closer to God.” Find out more.
Find Resources for prayer, meditation, and the Fast.
At the end of the Fast, it will be time to celebrate Naw-Ruz (New Day), which occurs on the spring equinox. The new Baháʼí year 181 will begin! Find out more.
New Year’s Celebration: Portland Baha'i Center
Tuesday, March 19, 7:00-8:30 pm. Bahá’í Center, 8720 N Ivanhoe St, Portland, OR 97203. All are welcome to a celebration of the Bahá’í new year. More details to be announced. For more information contact secretariatpdx@gmail.com or call the Center at 503-289-6331.
Photo of the Portland Baha'i Center.
Grand Reopening: Portland Baha'i Center
Saturday, March 30, 10:00 am-1:30 pm. Bahá’í Center, 8720 N Ivanhoe St, Portland, OR 97203. Everyone is invited to the Grand Reopening of the newly remodeled Baháʼí Center! Joining us will be our community partner St. Johns All Nations Church of God in Christ.
There will be music, art, children’s activities, and a drum circle, as well as a presentation about Beatrice Morrow Cannady, an early member of the Portland Baháʼí community. Lunch will be served at 12 p.m.
Please contact secretariatpdx@gmail.com for more information, or call the Center at 503-289-6331. Please arrive healthy; masking is optional. No donations accepted.
“A voice for the people: Beatrice Morrow Cannady's impact as a pioneering journalist in Oregon.
Beatrice Cannady was the manager and editor of Oregon's largest Black-owned newspaper known as The Advocate, becoming a voice for many people in the 1900s.” Read the article.
“Beatrice Morrow Cannady elementary school opened in 2019 within the North Clackamas School District in Damascus, Oregon.” Read the article.
See more local activities on the website calendar
Race Amity Movement Briefing and Sharing, Sat. March 2, 11:30 am-1 pm Eastern. Join us for a virtual meeting on Saturday March 2 for updates on exciting developments in the Race Amity Movement, including: - Plans to establish Race Amity Day as a national commemorative day through a joint Congressional resolution in 2025 - Roadmap for the formation of local chapters of the National Center for Race Amity - Forthcoming launch of the Race Amity Speakers Bureau - Sharing plans and ideas for Race Amity Day celebrations and state and local proclamations in 2024. Zoom registration here.
Fire danger reroutes annual Oregon junior youth camp. “As 180 young campers, facilitators, counselors and staff were arriving on Aug. 13 for the annual week-long Camp Carmel in western Oregon, word reached them that wildfires were only 12 miles away and they had to evacuate.” How did the youth rise to the challenge?
Contact your nearby Bahá’í friends
Please follow us on Facebook: “Portland Metro Baha’i Community" “Portland Baha'i Center” (see posts about latest news and online resources on these pages), “Beaverton Bahá'í Community” “Baha'is of Forest Grove” (hosting Spirit Night on Tuesday) “Baha’i Center Lake Oswego" “Baha’i Faith of Newberg Oregon”