January Activities 2024

Here’s a great way to start a beautiful new year: All are warm-heartedly invited to connect with Children’s Spiritual Education Classes, the Junior Youth Spiritual Empowerment Program, and Spiritual Study for Adults. These small, in-person gatherings educate and uplift the soul, while providing training for service to others. Join with friends in your community!

Selected activities: (See more on the website calendar)

Social: Arts & Games: Portland

Friday Jan. 5, 7:00-10:00 pm. Bahá’í Center, 8720 N Ivanhoe St, Portland, OR 97203. This month Machiko Garrigues will share the Korean art form of Hanji, tiny bits of torn paper with glue on a paper background attached to a shape. We will also have the open mic available for performances. Come ready to have fun, do some creative artwork, hang out with your friends, and eat great snacks! Come and share your family-friendly talent! Bring a song, a story, read a poem, do a dance, show us your artwork, a game to play, or just bring yourself and all your friends! Hang out with new friends and have fun! Children and junior youth get priority for performance in the first hour.

Please contact secretariatpdx@gmail.com for more information, or call the Center at 503-289-6331. Please arrive healthy; masking is optional. 

In-person Interfaith Devotions: Portland Bahá’í Center

Each Sunday, 10:00 am, Bahá’í Center, 8720 N Ivanhoe St, Portland, OR 97203. Our program will begin at 10:30 a.m. and all are welcome to a time of spiritual fellowship!  Please contact secretariatpdx@gmail.com for more information, or call the Center at 503-289-6331. Please arrive healthy; masking is optional. No donations accepted.

Online Interfaith Devotions: Portland

Each Sunday, 10:00-11:30 am. Hello friends!  These readings have been selected from various religious traditions. Start your week off with inspiration from prayers, spiritual thoughts, and music. Log on as early as 10:00 a.m. for fellowship and getting settled.

Join Zoom Meeting  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87814820964?pwd=NUhrZjdwSlJscCs3WENUZW9RYjQvZz09
Meeting ID: 878 1482 0964 Passcode: 409502

For more information, please email sundaydevotionspdx@gmail.com

In-person Devotions: Beaverton Bahá’í Center

Each Sunday, 10:30 am, Bahá’í Center, 5355 SW Murray Blvd, Beaverton, OR 97005. There will be a period for open prayers and singing. Everyone of all ages is welcome.  Bring your friends for a pleasant spiritual experience. Masks, social distancing, and vaccinations are recommended. As always at the Center there are no donations.

Phone: 503-601-9999 Trimet bus route # 62, stop ID #4062

Online Dialog: Social Justice

Monday, Jan. 8, 7:00-8:30 pm. Discussions about racism and social justice, held since 2016, have afforded many of us and our friends a place to educate ourselves, to speak openly about the challenges and to take personal and collective action. Everyone is welcome to this discussion of Bahá’í solutions relating to social justice issues. For more information, please call 971-328-0909 or email info@lakeoswegobahai.org 

Sponsored by the Local Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Lake Oswego.

Contact your nearby Bahá’í friends

Please follow us on Facebook: “Portland Metro Baha’i Community" “Portland Baha'i Center” (see posts about latest news and online resources on these pages), “Beaverton Bahá'í Community” “Baha'is of Forest Grove” (hosting Spirit Night on Tuesday) “Baha’i Center Lake Oswego" “Baha’i Faith of Newberg Oregon”

Take Online Courses from the Wilmette Institute.

Engage with Partners in Racial Justice.

Jan. 10, 4:00 pm. The Virtues for Racial Justice project.

Jan. 17, 4:00 pm. Join us as we discover together how, following MLK's

example, we can be effective cycle-breaking agents of  change!


Eliminating Racism Resources 2024


2023: Bahá’í World Year in Review