January Activities 2025
Are we slowing down for winter? Absolutely not! There is much to learn and much to do in our path of unified service to the well-being of humanity. The new year will offer us many opportunities!
Selected activities: See more on the calendar. The Portland, Beaverton, and Vancouver Bahá'í Centers each host weekly in-person devotional gatherings on Sunday, and there are many virtual gatherings throughout the week. You are warmly invited to all the activities!
Online Multi-Faith Devotions: Gladstone
Sun Jan 5, 11:00am - 12:00pm and every Sunday, with a different theme each week. For more information, please call Jack at 503 803-8796.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 828 8811 0914 Passcode: 1863
Study: Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah
Tue Jan 7, 7-8 pm and every Tuesday. Vancouver hybrid event. Dear Friends, Please join us at The Book Club. We will start reading "Gleanings" by Bahá'u'lláh. We hope to see you! For more information, please call Mayumi at 360-936-3240.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Invite Link https://us06web. zoom.us/j/919424 28357?pwd=WnVmN2 p2ZVEvWXRQUVdWSm oxZ2J2QT09
Meeting ID: 919 4242 8357
Passcode: 868122
Free ebook: https://www.bahaibookstore.com/Gleanings-from-the-Writings-of-Bahaullah-Free-ePub-P9481
Devotions: Oregon City
Wed Jan 8, 6:00-7:30 pm. Inspiration & Rejuvenation! We look forward to sharing together writings, quotations, music and whatever you wish to bring, as it inspires you. We begin each gathering with a potluck supper. Everyone welcome! For more information, please call Karen and Bob Lynch at 503-473-3144.
Youth Night: Beaverton Bahá’í Center
Sat Jan 11, 5-8 pm. 5355 SW Murray Blvd, Beaverton, OR 97005. Youth Night is monthly and geared for middle and high schoolers. Bring your friends! Youth Night is monthly and geared for middle and high schoolers. Bring your friends!
"Consultation bestoweth greater awareness and transmuteth conjecture into certitude. It is a shining light which, in a dark world, leadeth the way and guideth. For everything there is and will continue to be a station of perfection and maturity. The maturity of the gift of understanding is made manifest through consultation." — Bahá’í Writings
We will be engaging in Consultation Workshops led by Sara DeHoff where young folks will be encouraged to consult on what they want to do with Youth Night going forward, in addition to other topics of their choosing. The hope is that they will build their capacity to consult in general, and organize youth events inspired by their own knowledge and experiences. Social time may continue after 8:00.
Dinner is included. Please RSVP so we don’t waste money and food.
Please reach out to Lua 503-504-4288 lua.weatherdon@gmail.com with questions, comments, or to RSVP.
Free; as always at the Center there are no donations.
Phone: 503-601-9999 Trimet bus route # 62, stop ID #4062
The Bahá’í teachings say that youth can move the world—that young people have a very critical role to play in the development, peace and prosperity of humanity. Read more.
Devotions and Social: Vancouver Bahá’í Center
Sat Jan 11, 6-9:00 pm. 4016 E 13th St, Vancouver, WA 98661. Dear Friends! Please join us for an in-person devotional and potluck dinner. All are invited and we look forward to seeing you there! For more information, please call Mayumi at 360-936-3240.
Social: Vancouver Bahá’í Center
Fri Jan 17, 6:00-9:00 pm. Dear Friends! Please join us for a potluck dinner and fun night. All are invited and we look forward to seeing you there! For more information, please call Mayumi at 360-936-3240.
Online: Partners in Racial Justice
Fri Jan 10, 4:00 pm PST. “Climbing Up the Mountain Children.” Fireside chat with Van Gilmer, musical director, architect, civil rights and racial justice activist. This dynamic and interactive space, where the teachings of the Baha’i Faith are shared, provides an effective tool for connecting hearts and building vibrant communities.
Each episode features inspirational devotionals followed by intimate conversations focused on current social challenges such as racism, gender equity, and other issues that must be addressed before humanity can reach its full potential.
We invite you to join us as we strive to understand our individual and collective lives' purpose and explore the truth of mankind's oneness. Register here.
Tue 7:30 pm EST weekly. Reflections on the Life of the Spirit, through the lens of racial justice. This weekly series is the first of a multi-part global curriculum founded on the oneness of humanity. Our special focus is on learning together how we can play our part in eliminating racism — America’s most vital and challenging issue.
Participants from diverse backgrounds come together every week in an interactive study group to develop essential skills for personal growth and contribute to improving our communities.
These sessions are not only theoretical but also include practical personal exercises and group activities. We discuss the significance of prayer, the purpose of life, and the connection between life and death, all with the aim of understanding our interconnectedness.
Please email Charles Bullock if you are interested in attending: drcbullock@partnersinracialjustice.org
Mon Jan 20, 6:00 pm EST. “The Power of Consultation and Reflection, the two processes that make a difference.” It is very difficult for black people to practice trust in relation to others, especially in relation to white people. But can we find ways to build this spiritual virtue within us? Let’s talk.
If you are of African descent and have not registered, please email suestclair@partnersinracialjustice.org to receive a Zoom link to join. If you registered before, your email is already in the database to receive a Zoom link for the program. Please do not register again
Wed Jan 29, 4:30 pm PST. Black and Indigenous Led Prayer Circle and Meditation: A Framework For Unity. An uplifting devotional space created and led by Black and Indigenous individuals. The Baha’i Writings proclaim special spiritual designations for each of these unique populations. Through cultural meditative expressions in art and philosophy followed by a united prayer circle, join us in celebration of the vision of the oneness of mankind. Register here.
Take Online Courses from the Wilmette Institute.
Contact your nearby Bahá’í friends, we’d love to talk!
Find local, regional, and national resources.
Like us on Facebook: “Portland Metro Baha’i Community" “Portland Baha'i Center” “Beaverton Bahá'í Community” “Baha'is of Forest Grove” (hosting Spirit Night on Tuesday) “Baha’i Center Lake Oswego" “Baha’i Faith of Newberg Oregon” “Parenting with Wisdom”
Peruse the national Bahá'í Bookstore (some items free, multiple languages).
Dive into the wealth of Bahá'í writings (free).