March Activities 2025

Would you like to share prayers and inspiring readings with a few friends? Are you an adult who values positive community? Do you enjoy conversations on meaningful ideas? Would you like to bring children to a class learning about the virtues of good character, and having fun doing it? Are you a youth looking for an enjoyable evening with other youth? Would you like to gather in person, or do online activities work better for you? All these options are yours in the Portland Bahá’í metro community activities! Do you have an idea for a new activity? Please contact us!

March 1st is the first day of the Baha'i Fast, when those 15-69 years old abstain from foods and beverages from sunrise to sunset. There are exemptions for those ill or weak, pregnant or breastfeeding, traveling long distances or working in harsh conditions. It is a "holy season," a "symbol of self-restraint," a time of "taking on the characteristics of the spirit, being carried away by the breathings of heaven and catching fire from the love of God." (Quotes from Baha'u'llah) The Fast concludes with the Baha'i New Year, March 20th.

See Prayer and Fasting Resources.

Selected activities: See more on the Activities calendar. The Portland, Beaverton, and Vancouver Bahá'í Centers each host weekly in-person devotional gatherings on Sunday, and there are virtual and in-person gatherings throughout the week. You are warmly invited to all the activities!

Items are being collected at the Portland Bahá’í Center, 8720 N Ivanhoe St, Portland, OR 97203.

Interfaith Devotions: Portland Bahá’í Center

Every Sunday, 10:00 am-12:30 pm. Bahá’í Center, 8720 N Ivanhoe St, Portland, OR 97203.

Sunday Devotions continue at the Center, with a new theme each week. Free children's classes and a Ruhi 3 study group happen from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm. There are Ruhi 1 study groups on Sundays, one right after Sunday Devotions and the other starting at 2 pm, before Exploring Bahá'í Teachings.

All are welcome to a time of spiritual fellowship! Plan to join us for any or all events! Doors open at 10 am. Please arrive healthy; masking is optional. You are our guest, no donations accepted.

Please contact for more information, or call the Center at 503-289-6331. For children's class information, contact, 510 825-8279.

Study: Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah

Every Tuesday, 7-8 pm. Vancouver hybrid event. Dear Friends, Please join us at The Book Club, where we’ll be reading "Gleanings" by Bahá'u'lláh. We hope to see you! For more information, please call Mayumi at 360-936-3240.

"Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh is an extremely important compilation that sets out the Bahá'í teachings on a myriad of subjects. Among the themes that fall within its compass are the greatness of the day in which we live, the spiritual requisites of peace and world order, the nature of God and His Prophets, the fulfillment of prophecy, the soul and its immortality, the renewal of civilization, the oneness of the Manifestations of God as agents of one civilizing process, the oneness of humanity, and the purpose of life, to name only a few." -Baha'

Join Zoom Meeting:

https://us06web. 28357?pwd=WnVmN2 p2ZVEvWXRQUVdWSm oxZ2J2QT09
Meeting ID: 919 4242 8357
Passcode: 868122

Free ebook:

Devotions: SE Portland

Wednesday March 5, 6:30-8:00 pm. We will start with our interfaith devotional program, followed by a potluck dinner. Please let us know if you are joining us so that we can plan accordingly for the dinner.  For more information, please call the Moshtael-Hill family, 503-282-0783.

Youth Night: Beaverton Bahá’í Center

Saturday March 8, 5-8 pm. 5355 SW Murray Blvd, Beaverton, OR 97005. Youth Night is monthly and geared for middle and high-school students. Bring friends!

Youth Night Structure

5-5:30 Service (preparing dinner, cleaning and set up)

5:30-6 Devotions and learning new prayers

6-6:30 Read articles on topic chosen by attendees

6:30-7 Dinner

7-8 (or later) Art Projects, theater/community-building games, clean up. Social time may continue after 8:00.

Please RSVP so we don’t waste money and food.

Please reach out to Lua 503-504-4288 with questions, comments, or to RSVP.

Free; as always at the Center there are no donations.

Phone: 503-601-9999

Trimet bus route # 62, stop ID #4062

The Baha’i teachings say that youth can move the world—that young people have a very critical role to play in the development, peace and prosperity of humanity. Read more.

Social: Family Dance Party

Sat. March 8, 6:30 - 9:30 pm. Mulino. We will break the fast at 6:30 PM.  Everything is provided.  Just bring comfortable shoes.
The dance party will feature food, drinks, glow in the dark face painting, board games for non-dancers, a dance in our special disco which has lasers, smoke, projected animations, and dance music from around the world. 
We would love to see you here. 

You can RSVP at: <>

Devotions: Oregon City

Wed. March 12, 6:00-7:30 pm. Inspiration & Rejuvenation! We look forward to sharing together writings, quotations, music and whatever you wish to bring, as it inspires you. We begin each gathering with a potluck supper. Everyone welcome! For more information, please call Karen and Bob Lynch at 503-473-3144.

Bahá’í New Year Thursday March 20

Naw-Ruz is the Bahá’í New Year at the Spring Equinox. 

Read more about the Bahá’í calendar.

Details of area activities will be posted on the Activities calendar closer to the date.

Please contact for more information, or call the Center at 503-289-6331.

Introductory Dialog: Gladstone

Friday March 28, 6:30 pm. You are invited to Gladstone’s monthly discussion; please consider joining us for some thoughtful conversation and fellowship. For more information, call Jack and Leslie at 503 803-8796.

Contact your nearby Bahá’í friends, we’d love to talk!

Like us on Facebook: “Portland Metro Baha’i Community" “Portland Baha'i Center” “Beaverton Bahá'í Community” “Baha'is of Forest Grove” (hosting Spirit Night on Tuesday) “Baha’i Center Lake Oswego" “Baha’i Faith of Newberg Oregon” “Parenting with Wisdom”

Find local, regional, and national resources.

Peruse the national Bahá'í Bookstore (some items free, multiple languages).

Dive into the wealth of Bahá'í writings (free).

Take Online Courses from the Wilmette Institute.

Watch their free webinars.

See what’s new at the National Center for Race Amity.


Pause and Reflect


The Creator’s Messengers: Our Letters From the Beloved