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2024: Bahá’í World Year in Review
Here’s a review and 12-minute video of a number of the society-building approaches of the Bahá'ís and those with whom they work.
Photo courtesy of Bahá’í World News Service
Embracing Interdependence
From the film: ...Another youth, Khelsun from India, explores the concept of leadership as service to humanity: “Every human being is created noble. We all want the betterment of the world. True leadership means service to humanity.”
He quotes from Bahá’u’lláh’s teachings, “‘The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens,’ that is the world that I would like to live in one day.”
Image courtesy of the Bahá’í International Community
#OurStoryIsOne Concert, Portland, Oregon, June 14, 2024
The #OurStoryIsOne tour honored the 40th anniversary of the execution of ten Bahá’í women - members of Iran’s largest religious minority - for their commitment to freedom of belief, and all who stand up to defend human rights.
2023: Bahá’í World Year in Review
Read and watch a video about the exciting activities of the Bahá’í world in 2023! Photo courtesy of Bahá’í World News Service.
Summons to Service
Bahá’ís around the world practice a new system of community administration, based on humble service.
An Expansive Prospect
Striving to release the society-building power of the Bahá'í Teachings in ever-greater measures.
Glimpses into the Spirit of Gender Equality
A central theme of the film is the Bahá’í principle of equality between women and men.
Dawn of the Light
In 1844 the Báb declared His mission, preparing humanity for Bahá’u’lláh’s Revelation of divine guidance from God.
Light to the World
Watch the 50-minute video to learn about Bahá’u’lláh and how His teachings have transformed the lives of diverse peoples of the world.
2022 Year in Review: The start of a new journey
A brief overview of 2022 in the Bahá’í world.
Robert Turner, the First African American Bahá'í
Mr. Olufani presents a talk on the first African American Bahá’í. Image courtesy Baháʼí Faith Modern Perspectives.
Power of the spirit: Black History Month event at Temple stirs hundreds
An exciting, collaborative event just took place at the Baha’i Temple in Wilmette, Illinois, and we can watch the video! Image courtesy of the Baha’is of the United States.
Roots of the Race Amity Movement in America
Race Amity is a movement that began in the early years of settlers arriving in the United States.
A Rich Tapestry
See how Baha’is are putting their faith into actions that strengthen communities.
Light of Unity Festival 2017
Diverse celebrations took place around the world of the bicentenary of Baha’u’llah’s birth.