Portland Baha'is mourn the loss of a dear friend

Paul Douglas Bob, September 28, 1937 ~ May 16, 2010

Paul Douglas Bob was born September 28, 1937 in Buffalo, New York.  Four years later, his sister Sheila was born. Their parents, Nathan and Dorothy (Stern) Bob, fostered a home full of strong Jewish tradition, a respect for education, and lots of laughter and love. His Bar Mitzvah was celebrated with reverence and joy.  He grew into manhood understanding his responsibilities to his family and community. His sister, Sheila, recalls how he was her protector, a trait he carried on his whole life.

Paul did well in school including ROTC training and went on to become a graduate of the University of Buffalo with a Bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering.

Paul loved Oregon. He and his wife Karin Saurage-Bob married in California and came to Beaverton, Oregon in 1982, with daughter Jilian Holmer. Jilian tells of Paul’s great love for Karin. She relates that “their devotion to one another was the envy of everyone and that he would drive over an hour just so they could have lunch together every day.” Being a talented entrepreneur he started his own business, Medical Technology Investment, an equipment leasing firm. And, he settled down to being a dedicated Oregonian.

A memorial service will be held in honor of Paul Bob. All are welcome.

Saturday, May 22, 2010 at 12:00 pm
Portland Baha’i Center
8720 N. Ivanhoe Street
Portland, Oregon

Paul was a tall man, imposing not only in physical height, moxie and intellect, but also in spiritual presence. He studied the Baha’i Faith and joined the community of believers in 1985. He often expressed how blessed he was to have found the Baha’i Faith and referred to it as his greatest gift. Always a dedicated student, he studied closely the Baha’i Writings and embarked on being the best he could be. He was a Baha’i for 25 years and served on his Local Spiritual Assembly for 24 years.  Active in all aspects of the Baha’i Faith he loved sharing his beliefs and always honored the beliefs of others.  A high point in his life was a pilgrimage to the International Baha’i Center in Haifa, Israel where he and Karin met daughter Jilian—who was doing a year of volunteer service there.  Paul was so able to explain his spiritual wealth and give voice to the Word of God.

A friend to all he met, Paul gladly shared his home with many family members and friends and made everyone feel welcome.  He had a reputation for generous and elegant hospitality. Always alert to the world around him he was up to date on the news, trends in the financial world, new scientific discoveries, computer advances and what was going on in the lives of his family and friends.  People were attracted to him and charmed by his good humor and wit.  Everyone was always happy to see Paul and hear his trademark greetings, “Hey, Kiddo” or “Hi, Guy” and receive a warm hug, and know that he was there for them. His youthful ‘Joie de vivre’ kept him young and vibrant; he loved well and was a positive influence in the lives of many.

Never one to sit still, Paul had multiple successful careers, always learning new skills and life lessons.  While living in Huntington Beach, California he worked at McDonnell Douglas in the aerospace industry and was proud to have worked on the Saturn project.  In New Jersey he was involved in the start up of Edutronics, innovators for accelerated leaning techniques for corporate professionals.  Upon returning to California he worked with Bruce Meyers in co-developing the Manx kit car and started his own company, Karma Coachworks.

From 1957 till 1981 Paul was married Beverly Krutchick.  They had three children: Larry, Jeff and Lisa.  Paul adored his children and loved being a father. A man of wide and varied interests Paul loved cars, dogs (especially Portuguese Water dogs and Collies) and cats (the 4 wheel kind - the license plate for his Jaguar was ‘Bob Cat’).  Paul was an enthusiastic member of the Jag Club and kept his car spotless and in perfect running order.  He and his wife Karin bred and showed Portuguese Water dogs and they were highly respected as guardians of blood lines in breeding, and proper and loving care of dogs.  Karin was from New Orleans and Paul loved to visit her family there and soak up the ambiance of N’Awlin’s.  In 1990 he rode his bike in the Seattle to Portland Bicycle Classic, a 200 mile, 2 day test of strength and grit.  Later he also rode what he called the ‘C to P’ — a modified ride from Castle Rock to Portland.  Paul and his son Jeff shared a love of biking.  When Jeff was a kid, he and Paul would start their day together—Paul driving out of the neighborhood and Jeff riding his bike alongside—almost in a race.  Paul always loved making models.  He and his son Larry would make model rockets and fire them off in a parking lot.  He had a love for music and learned to play guitar.  Lisa remembers him playing and them singing (off-key) together, but having fun.  Paul was thrilled to have Jilian play the viola and participate in the Metropolitan Youth Symphony.  He went to every concert and was her greatest fan.

Paul was an enthusiastic puzzle solver and everyone knew that he could give you the solution to any crossword puzzle—he simply knew all the right words and their definitions.  Paul understood how things worked and had a flair for accomplishing difficult tasks using his creativity and excellent organizational skills. He was pleased to see Jilian participate in the Odyssey of the Mind Talented and Gifted Program while in school and that her team went all the way to national level championship in Baltimore, Maryland.  Being interested in everything mechanical he was an avid model train enthusiast, and belonged to AWOL Model Train Club of Beaverton.  He loved sharing good food, good music and good conversation with friends.  And, he deeply loved his family.  He especially loved just being with his wife Karin.

He is survived by his beloved wife Karin Saurage-Bob; children: Larry Bob (Jen), Jeff Bob (Carrie), Lisa Bob and Jilian Saurage Felton (Gabe Saurage Felton); grandchildren: Ashley, Madison, Samantha, Samuel, Rachel, Aaron and most recently the birth of Remy Paul; sister, Sheila and hosts of friends.   

Paul always helped anyone in need and was quick to respond, and when God called him, he came immediately.  He was a man whose life was lived with love, a generous spirit, and a wicked sense of humor.


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