Humanity’s New Horizon

October 25, 2018

Every day the headlines bring fresh news of a world in turmoil—conflict, confusion, catastrophe everywhere. Where does one turn for hope?

What we are experiencing, really, is the birth pangs of a new era. We are on the threshold of a whole new stage of human history. . .

sunrise on water

Ordinary people, like you and me, are daily seeking solutions. People from all countries, from all backgrounds, from all walks of life. They are searching, seeking, coming up with ideas for solutions, testing them, reflecting on the results and refining the process. People everywhere are learning to collaborate with unlikely allies and discovering surprising benefits and insights. This is how it begins. This is how we build a vibrant, prosperous, dynamic global community—we connect with each other and we learn from each other. . . To assist with this process, I’ve built this website to provide tools, inspiration and insights. It’s a place to share what we are learning.

Read more from the local "Our Prosperous World" blog

To watch the 50-minute film Light to the World, about the life of Bahá’u’lláh and the impact of His teachings on people around the world, go to

This dvd is in the Washington County public library system.


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