August Activities

We’re in a beautiful month to relax, recuperate, and refresh the spirit. There are many ways to connect with faith and friends!

Selected activities: (See more on the website calendar)

Devotions: SE Portland

Wednesday August 2, 6:30 pm. We will start with our interfaith devotional program, followed by a potluck dinner. Please let us know if you are joining us so that we can plan accordingly for the dinner.  For more information, please call the Moshtael-Hill family, 503-282-0783.

Social: arts & games: Portland

Friday August 4 and Sept. 1, 7:00-10:00 pm. Bahá’í Center, 8720 N Ivanhoe St, Portland, OR 97203. We will have quotes from the world's religions and cultures about trees to be used as inspirations for your very own canvas paintings! Join Queenisha Rynders for a guided art experience. All artists are welcome, bring your tree inspired artwork, music, dance, or any talent to show at the Open Mic or just bring yourself! Children and junior youth get priority for performance in the first hour. Please contact for more information, or call the Center at 503-289-6331. Please arrive healthy; masking is optional. 

Online Dialog: The Divine Art of Living

Friday August 4 and 18 and Sept. 1, 7:30 pm. Please join my book study: The Divine Art of Living: Selections from the Writings of Baha'u'llah and Abdu'l-Baha, from the Baha'i Publishing Trust. You do not need to have the book or do any homework; we will read and discuss a few passages together each time we meet. Come to one or every meeting. If you choose to get the book, it is readily available at Amazon, Borders, Baha'i Bookstore and free online at

For more information, please call Mary Reich 503-995-8959 or email Jen at

Devotions and Pickleball: Portland

Saturday August 5, 11:30 am-1:30 pm. Pier Park Tennis/Pickleball courts. It’s a Pickleball Pray and Play! If you’d like to play or learn how to play pickleball and also like to pray, this devo is for you! Let’s say some prayers together, get in our bodies, and have some good ole’ fashioned fellowship while we do it! 

We will bring one net, 4 paddles, and some balls. If you play, you might want to bring your setup too in case a lot of people turn up! Otherwise, we will easily rotate in. We are very happy to teach the game to newbies. You can also come just to hang out!  One of the ways we each connect to God and our core is through kinesthetic movement and know there must be others like us too. 

There are two benches at the space, but we highly recommend that you bring a portable chair to hang out around the court and for better comfort. Bring a quote, a poem, a prayer or Writing that helps you feel at peace or empowered in your body, the vehicle of your soul :) 

Contact us with any questions that you may have. Hope to see you there! Kirby 206 403 5885  Ben 314 599 3117 

Service: Center yard work

Saturday August 19, 10:00 am-12:00 pm. Bahá’í Center, 8720 N Ivanhoe St, Portland, OR 97203. There is a job for everyone, any amount of time you can spend would be joyfully welcomed! Children and youth who want to help are welcome! We always have projects that could benefit from their service.

If you have garden gloves or your favorite hand tools or shovels, please bring them with you.  We have lots of tools to share. Thank you in advance! Please contact for more information.

Introductory Dialog: Gladstone

Friday August 25, 7:00 pm. You are invited to Gladstone’s monthly discussion; please consider joining us for some thoughtful conversation and fellowship. For more information, call Jack and Leslie at 503 803-8796 or Mary at 503 995-8959.

Contact your nearby Bahá’í friends

Please Like us on Facebook: “Portland Metro Baha’i Community" “Portland Baha'i Center” “Parenting with Wisdom” (see posts about latest news and online resources on these pages!), “Beaverton Bahá'í Community” “Baha'is of Forest Grove” (hosting Spirit Night on Tuesday) “Baha’i Center Lake Oswego" “Baha’i Faith of Newberg Oregon”

Learn in-person or online through Firm Foundation Academy.   The programs are free of charge for online (Zoom) sessions.

Take Online Courses from the Wilmette Institute.


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July Activities