Peace Resources

Read the "The Promise of World Peace" Statement written to the people of the world from the Universal House of Justice.

Listen to an audio reading of the Statement, with transcript.

Watch World Peace - A Baha'i Vision.

Download Peace: Extracts from the Baha'i Writings (PDF) (free)

Download Justice, Unity and Peace (free eBook - ePub) - a selection of articles.

Read a Bahá’í prayer for peace.

Hundreds join BIC to mark UN Day with events on peace, the Summit of the Future—New York—26 October 2023

The Millennium World Peace Summit: A Baha'i Perspective

Presented by Dr. Albert Lincoln, Secretary-General of the Baha'i­ International Community—New York—29 August 2000

The Baha'i International Community and World Peace

Oral Statement to the NGO Committee for the University of Peace

New York—17 April 1986

Toward the 21st Century and Peace

Statement to the 1991 meeting of Peace Messenger Organizations

Dagomys, U.S.S.R.—10 June 1991

Education for Peace and Unity

Statement to the International Symposium on Education for International Understanding and Peace

Barcelona, Spain—7 July 1986


November Activities 2023


A Baha’i Concept of God