Working toward peace, justice and equality
Who We Are
Baha’is in the Portland metro area
We are Bahá’ís. We believe in the Teachings of Bahá’u’lláh and we strive to live our lives by these principles of equality, justice and love for all of humanity.
Bahá’u’lláh’s vision for humanity is sweeping in its scope and calls for no less than the unification of the entire human race:
“…these fruitless strifes, these ruinous wars shall pass away, and the 'Most great Peace' shall come.”
It is this vision that has captured the imagination and loyalty of millions of people around the world – from virtually every race, culture, class and nation. It is a vision of hope, of peace, and of confidence in the future of mankind. Bahá’u’lláh’s call is challenging indeed, for He claims to be none other than the Messenger of God to the age of human maturity, the fulfillment of the promises made in earlier religions. His purpose is to regenerate the spiritual fortunes of mankind.
We invite you to come join us, learn more and be a part of laying the foundations for a civilization that is spiritual and progressively developing, peaceful and just. Find out how to get involved.
How Far We’ve Come
Early Roots
Nathan Ward Fitz-Gerald
The first Bahá’í to arrive in the Northwest was Nathan Ward Fitz-Gerald, who moved to Tacoma, WA in 1905. Formerly a Millerite minister, Fitz-Gerald asked to address the Tacoma Minister’s Alliance in April of that year to deliver the news of this new Revelation from God. Undeterred by the chilly reception he received, he continued to spread this Message throughout the Northwest. During the month of March in 1906, he organized public talks at a downtown auditorium at 3rd and Taylor in Portland and met with individuals.
Soon there were about 20 Bahá’ís in Portland. Bahá’ís from San Francisco and Chicago, who had studied Bahá’u’lláh’s Writings thoroughly, came to the Northwest to help this small community deepen their understanding and organize their activities. In November 1906, the Bahá’ís in Portland elected the Local Spiritual Assembly to govern the affairs of the new community. Bahá’ís in Seattle, Spokane and Walla Walla also elected Assemblies around the same time.
Tiny But Growing
Portland Bahá’í Local Spiritual Assembly
In the last 100 years, this tiny community has achieved a great deal. For the first 50 years, Portland was the only city in Oregon with an elected Assembly. Word of Baha’u’llah’s message spread, however, as Bahá’ís from Portland traveled throughout the state to share His teachings. Today over 2000 Bahá’ís live in Oregon, and have organized activities and groups in every city and county from Portland to Malheur County.
Growing in Diversity
Hmong New Year celebration
In the 1980’s, among the many refugees who came to the United States following the Vietnam War, were 200 Hmong Bahá’ís from Laos who settled in Portland. Reaching across cultures and languages, the Hmong and American Bahá’ís learned from each other and valued each others’ contributions. Together they established the ROSES project to provide after school tutoring and mentoring for the Hmong children. ROSES is currently undergoing a transition to provide these services to an even wider range of multicultural groups in the Portland area.
Another group that arrived in the 1980’s were Iranian Bahá’í refugees fleeing persecution in Iran. Many of these families had been Bahá’ís for generations and had much to share with the Portland friends.
During this time also, Bahá’í youth from Portland and Seattle (and areas in between) began collaborating with the Nez Perce Bahá’ís in Lapwai, ID. They established an ongoing series service projects on the Nez Perce Reservation. These projects not only benefited the tribal community, but had a profoundly transforming effect on the youth and created deep ties of friendship. These and other service projects continue today.
Acquiring a Center
Portland Bahá’í Center
On September 17, 1992, the Bahá’ís purchased the historic and beautiful St. John’s Post Office for a Center. Designed by local architect Francis Marion Stokes, the magnificent building was constructed in 1932. According to the retired St. John Postal Superintendent Bill Oeschger, “when Mr. Newman, the government inspector, looked over his new post office back in ’33, he said it was the best-lighted, best-architected, best-built building he had seen anywhere in the region at that time.”
After some renovation and restoration, the Center now serves as a hub of activity, hosting a range of events for all ages: devotional gatherings, classes for adults, youth and children, and informational meetings.
Today, in the metropolitan area, there are also Bahá’í Centers in Beaverton, Lake Oswego, and Vancouver, WA.
Read more about The History of the Portland Baha’i Center-St. Johns Post Office.
Building Community
For more information about the Bahá’í Faith, call 1-800-22-UNITE (1-800-228-6483) or send us an email.
Throughout its history, the Bahá’í community has been working on both the individual level and the collective level to achieve the vision set forth by Baha’u’llah. Currently the community is hosting study classes, devotional gatherings, children’s classes, and junior youth groups geared toward individual growth and understanding. On the community level, inspired by Bahá’u’lláh’s teachings, the Bahá’ís have presented Peace Awards to leaders in the community; developed the Models of Unity project to recognize individuals contributing to unity between the races; established AHAD, a nonprofit corporation dedicated to social and economic development; and created the Portland chapter of Health for Humanity.
With hearts full of hope and focused firmly on Baha’u’llah’s vision of a unified and thriving world, we unreservedly rededicate our efforts for the next 100 years.
Check out our Resources page for links to other Bahá’í websites.